Jason de Caires agradece a los modelos que posaron pacientemente untados de vaselina y en ropa interior, cubiertos de yeso durante una hora, para realizar las esculturas. Y como en toda ceremonia de inauguración que se precie, la lista de agradecimientos es larga, desde los colaboradores más cercanos a los más esporádicos y también los padres.
El proyecto no está finalizado porque ahora empieza el trabajo de escultor del mar, cubriendo las esculturas con la pátina de la vida.
The latest Jason deCaires Taylor News
So here we finally have it… The world’s largest underwater collection of contemporary sculpture in history; The Silent Evolution.
400 permanent life-size sculptures forming a monumental artificial reef in Cancun/ Isla Mujeres, Mexico. (click here)
The Journey
The road has been long, taken 18months, required 120 tons of cement, sand and gravel, 3800m of fiber-glass, 400kg of silicone, 8,000miles of red tape,120hrs working underwater and $250,000. Sculpting close to the mangroves in Puerto Morelos the team received over 2500 mosquito bites, tabano bites, fire ant stings and more than 20 nips from Damsel fish during installations in the sea.
Of course on a journey of this scale I have many people to thank along the way and without their help, dedication and faith none of this would have been possible.
Firstly I would like to thank all the models who patiently stood in their underwear covered in vaseline and plaster for over an hour, thus requiring trust and bravery. We are pleased to have immortalized (and removed a few hairs) of the following people: Roy, Vanessa, Joaquin, Marcelo, Tania, Karen, Fernando, Mangala, Froylan, Paz, Charlie Brown, Paulina, Rosario, Angelica, Brian, Jim, Carlito, Karen S, Grace, Amandeep, Valaria, Blanca, Kelly, Lily, Henri, Lucky, Angel, Veronica, Aida, Sarah, Cecil and little Santiago (only 3 years old).
Most importantly a special thanks to the artist assistants: Rodrigo, Jorge, Lucio, James and Karen, who have worked though very tough conditions and have been incredibly loyal and hardworking. In particular Karen, who has been there from the start and a key element of this project. I feel very fortunate to have worked alongside each one of them.
Firstly I would like to thank all the models who patiently stood in their underwear covered in vaseline and plaster for over an hour, thus requiring trust and bravery. We are pleased to have immortalized (and removed a few hairs) of the following people: Roy, Vanessa, Joaquin, Marcelo, Tania, Karen, Fernando, Mangala, Froylan, Paz, Charlie Brown, Paulina, Rosario, Angelica, Brian, Jim, Carlito, Karen S, Grace, Amandeep, Valaria, Blanca, Kelly, Lily, Henri, Lucky, Angel, Veronica, Aida, Sarah, Cecil and little Santiago (only 3 years old).
Most importantly a special thanks to the artist assistants: Rodrigo, Jorge, Lucio, James and Karen, who have worked though very tough conditions and have been incredibly loyal and hardworking. In particular Karen, who has been there from the start and a key element of this project. I feel very fortunate to have worked alongside each one of them.
During the development and installation we encountered many logistical and engineering challenges and a heart-felt thanks goes out to Mario from Marenter, his family and all the crew on BD1.
Additional thanks to: The National Marine Park of Cancun, with valuable help from Juan Carlos, Roberto, Henri, Tonio, Joel and Patricia Santos.
Todd Barber from Reefball, Alfredo, Ruben, Luis, Mario, Luzma, Franciso from PESCA, Raul, Donna, Pedro Frentes and of course Rita the cat.
This project was realized almost 2 years ago when I sat down with Jaime Gonzalez Cano, Director of the Marine Park and Roberto Diaz President of the Nautical Association, from this initial meeting we laid down the blueprints of the underwater museum. Their enthusiasm, faith and support have been the driving force of this projects success.
Finally I would like to dedicate this work to my parents Christine and Roy who have been the bow that fired this arrow, providing both foundations and support, regardless of all circumstances. You really have been the cornerstone and catalyst to change ideas into reality, and for this I will be eternally grateful.
I would also like to point out that this installation is by no means over and the second phase is dependant on nature’s artists of the sea, to nurture, evolve and apply the patina of life.
New Silent Evolution Film

Additional thanks to: The National Marine Park of Cancun, with valuable help from Juan Carlos, Roberto, Henri, Tonio, Joel and Patricia Santos.
Todd Barber from Reefball, Alfredo, Ruben, Luis, Mario, Luzma, Franciso from PESCA, Raul, Donna, Pedro Frentes and of course Rita the cat.
This project was realized almost 2 years ago when I sat down with Jaime Gonzalez Cano, Director of the Marine Park and Roberto Diaz President of the Nautical Association, from this initial meeting we laid down the blueprints of the underwater museum. Their enthusiasm, faith and support have been the driving force of this projects success.
Finally I would like to dedicate this work to my parents Christine and Roy who have been the bow that fired this arrow, providing both foundations and support, regardless of all circumstances. You really have been the cornerstone and catalyst to change ideas into reality, and for this I will be eternally grateful.
I would also like to point out that this installation is by no means over and the second phase is dependant on nature’s artists of the sea, to nurture, evolve and apply the patina of life.
New Silent Evolution Film
Grenada News
After a recent trip to Grenada in September the coral and marine life growing on Vicissitudes has beyond all expectations.

For further details or press information on any of the above please contact:
Jason deCaires Taylor
Tel: +52 1 9981921189
Tel: +52 1 9981921189